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Monday 14 April 2014

Happy Easter

When was the last time you had a chocolate crispy? Probably longer than it should be.

I made these with E last week and every time I passed the cake tin, I was tempted. So, in my opinion, they certainly shouldn't be reserved for children's parties and school baking sales, in fact bring them back and bring them to me. Easter gives a great excuse for a slight variation from cornflakes or rice crispies with ever so moreish mini eggs and a way to make shredded wheat desirable rather than obligatory. I remember making these with my Mum in our Easter break so it was fun to make them as the next generation of Mummy and daughter in the kitchen.

E and I crushed, bashed, crashed and mashed our way to these Easter nests and they didn't last long. She loved it and so did I. 

Because it was so simple it doesn't really warrant a recipe - melt chocolate, stir in shredded wheat until mixture is stiff and cereal coated, spoon into cupcake cases, make a small indent with the back of a teaspoon and top with mini eggs. 

E managed this almost completely alone, which gave added satisfaction to her current craving for independence. Apart from the mini eggs and taste testing, she took great care separating and arranging the cupcake cases. And, such is her three year old ingenuity, she politely surprised me with, "look Mummy, this is your nest, your bird has one baby and look, at my nest, my bird has triplets!" Thank goodness she's not yet aware of quintuplets and a very happy Easter to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Indi and are are loving these pictures. Indi says 'Hello, Eee-wah'...I love that E's bird had triplets! We want a birthday party post! xxx


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