Vegetables chopped, jars filled, preparations completed. A special picnic. Somehow, a beautiful and creative wedding. A three month old baby is shaded from the sunshine, kicking her legs freely while her exhausted parents lie watching. And cake club, with rainbow cake.

A family gather for a dear lady's final birthday and soon after they gather again to say goodbye. A special 90 year old gown is worn. A Christening day reminds us that there is new life to be celebrated. Festival canapes are served. A seaside adventure.
The best shortbread we've tasted, canapes for ladies, an unlikely but pleasing flavour combination and, away from the blog, a baby girl takes her seat (high chair) at Charlie and Evelyn's Table for the first time.

Adventures. Hungarian breakfasts, a very hot marathon, goulash. A family return home and head far north. Sunshine, peace, past memories recalled and new ones made. Amazing sights, delicious seafood. Guests return to the Table.
A busy, dusty house with lots of skilled workers, each with their own job. We want to run away. Trying to keep our vision in mind as windows, fireplaces, doors, floors and walls are transformed. Work in progress. Cleaning. Meals were simple and quick.
A busy house. An early Christmas present - appearing in Woman and Home Magazine (sorry, I forgot to say). Work delayed, snow, then at last, the dining room completed. The Christmas table laid. Friends and family are warmly welcomed. Fresh holly, candle light, love, laughter, feasting.
This year we will be back to more regular blog posts and more regular suppers too. The next part of our renovations is the kitchen. Wish us luck. We can't wait to see you when it's done.
Congratulations for appearing in Woman and Home and your pictures tell such a wonderful story!